Barry and I have been in Florida for 2 weeks now and are returning home by Thursday night. After moving to the new house, we needed a break! After a week in Tarpon Springs, we took a boat ride south from our 'home' there, and decided to stay in Gulfport--about 26 miles down the coast at the southern end of Tampa Bay. Gulfport is a small, artsy community with wonderful restaurants and scenery. We are in the city marina, which has hundreds of boats--but is eerily quiet during the week (no live-aboards allowed). We're sort of stretching the rules right now....
While we've been on the boat, Barry attempted to put in a refrigeration system--worthy effort, but still needs work. We've also done some cleaning and organizing--with Barry doing some major reductions in tool supplies. (applause)
We've had some great fun, as well. Barry learned how to use an air compressor and diving gear to 'dive' for fish called Sheepshead ( or convict fish). These striped, sharp-toothed fish live under docks and dine on the barnacles that grow there. Our neighbor Chuck managed to spear 3 of these delicious fish--so we had a fish fry with his family that night. We've sailed to small, quiet islands and I've done some kayaking on the waters near the harbors. One time, a dolphin swam within 10 feet of me, going under my kayak twice. I couldn't hardly breathe! Dolphins, herons, and osprey abound down here and provide us with lots of entertainment. We sighted a 10 foot alligator in our harbor in Tarpon Springs--unfortunately (or fortunately?) it was dead,so Barry got in our dinghy and pulled the gator out to the river so it could continue its trip to the Gulf. R.I.P.
We've enjoyed dinner with our new friends, Bill and Robbie and have seen our 'old' friends George and Sue several times. We feel refreshed and ready to tackle the projects at our new house!
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