Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fog!!! is the first day I was a bit scared on the boat--and I don't scare easily. We had been working on the boat for 2 1/2 days, and it was time to relax for a bit. We motored out into the channel, set the sails, and noticed what we thought were clouds on the horizon. However, within a few minutes, Barry stated that it was fog and we were turning around to return to the harbor. I wasn't alarmed, even when he asked me to get the charts and the fog horn from below. When I went below, the sun was shining. 30 seconds later, when I returned to the cockpit, we were completely enveloped in fog. We couldn't spot the channel markers--which are large and bright red and green. I got scared when he told me to sound the foghorn every two minutes and when his glasses fogged up and he was depending on me to find the markers. We worked as a team--spotting markers and crab traps and made it back to the harbor---where we both enjoyed a drink! As Barry always says--"we cheated death again!"

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